

Objectives The aim of this work was to evaluate acute antipsychotic poisoned cases through studying all patients admitted at Menoufia Poison Control Center over 1 year regarding sociodemographic factors (age, sex, residence); mode of exposure; clinical manifestations (symptoms and signs); and the relation between antipsychotic drug overdose and severity grades of the studied cases, according to poison severity score. Background Toxicological exposures and fatalities associated with neuroleptic agents continue to increase in the world in past 10 years. Consequently, it is important for the practising clinician to be familiar with the pharmacology and toxicology of these medications. Materials and methods The study was conducted on patients who arrived at Menoufia Poison Control Center with antipsychotic poisoning seeking for medical advice throughout 1 year (from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013). The data were collected from a previously designed clinical admission sheet (including the patient's age, sex, history, and clinical assessment data) and from investigations results. Results The suicidal mode of poisoning comprised the highest frequency. Cases under 10 years old had taken the overdose accidentally, and all cases of 10 years old or more had taken the dose intentionally to commit suicide. Female cases had the highest percent of suicidal mode and male cases in accidental and homicidal mode. Palpitation and abnormal movements were the most common symptoms. According to poison severity score, most of the cases were of moderate degree, and the least were of severe and fatal degrees. Sinus tachycardia was the most prominent of the ECG changes. Conclusion Antipsychotic overdose produces a gamut of manifestations that affect multiple organ systems. The most serious toxicity involves the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. Acute overdose seldom results in death.

Article Type

Original Study
